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At Elite Feet Foot Health, you will receive quality treatment  & advice  to help you keep your feet in tip-top condition.

Do you suffer from foot pain? 
Here's some of the common conditions that can affect the feet.
  • Corns
Corns usually occur over a bony prominence, such as a joint. They can occur anywhere on the foot where there is excess pressure or friction. 

  • Callus
Callus is an area of thickened skin. It is the body's reaction to pressure or friction, and can appear anywhere the skin rubs against a bone, a shoe, or the ground.

  • Ingrowing toenails
An ingrowing toenail is one that pierces the flesh of the toe. They are caused by incorrect nail care or by trauma. They most commonly affect the big toenail, but can affect the other toes too.

  • An involuted nail
An involuted nail is a nail that is curling into the flesh, but not actually piercing the skin, these can often feel like ingrowing toenails as they can be very painful, red and inflamed.

  • Verrucae
A verruca is simply a wart on the foot. They are quite tricky to get rid of as they are caused by a virus. The virus is contagious, but can only be caught by direct contact, it thrives in warm damp areas, commonly swimming pools and changing rooms.

  • Ulcers
Ulcers are abrasions or breaks in the skin, which can be very slow to heal. Often on the foot they are pressure induced, and can be hidden under a neglected area of callus or a corn.

  • Fungal infections
Fungal infections such as athlete's foot thrive in warm, damp areas. They are quite contagious but generally easy to treat when they are on the skin. They can, however, spread to the nails, causing yellowing and thickening of the nail, and then they are much more difficult to treat.

  • Plantar fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a term used to describe several problems causing pain, usually, in the area of the arch of the foot and base of the heel.

  • Chilblains
Chilblains are painful, itchy swellings often on the toes, but can arise on the fingers, nose and ears. They are caused by the body reacting to cold, if the area is very cold, then warmed too quickly the body sets up an inflammatory response and a chilblain occurs.

  • Biomechanical problems
Biomechanics is a medical science that studies the mechanical functioning of the human body including locomotion. Research has identified many biomechanical problems attributed to the foot, and if left untreated, symptoms such as foot pain, ankle pain, knee pain, hip and low back pain are common.

  • Bunions
Bunions are boney deformities of the big toe joints brought about by the way the foot functions, and not by wearing high heeled shoes. When a person is flat footed the foot does not function correctly, locking the big toe joint as the heel lifts off the ground. The foot is then forced to turn out applying more pressure to the inside of the big toe which forces it towards the smaller toes. This prevents the natural 'wearing away' of cartilage which builds up to form a bunion or a boney prominence on and around the big toe joint.

  • Hammer toes
Hammer toes are formed by an imbalance in foot function. Inequalities in the strength of the muscles and tendons leads to some lengthening and/or shortening, allowing the toes to be pulled out of shape. Arthritic changes in the joints can also add to the problem.

  • Diabetes
Diabetes can affect your feet in a number of ways. It can affect the nerves of your feet resulting in reduced feeling, this is called peripheral neuropathy. As this process is gradual you can sometimes be unaware that it is happening. If you have reduced feeling in the feet you may injure them without realising it and as diabetes can also affect the blood supply to your feet you may not heal as well as you should. Diabetic patients should therefore have an annual foot health check by a qualified practitioner.
........Caring for your feet at home.......


In partnership with 

TREAT YOUR FEET,  (Julie Boscher), 
Tel. - 01234 740866, Est 2003.

 Hello...My name is Hannah Claire Cooke BSc (Hons), DipFH, MCFHP, MAFHP.

After working for the NHS as a Registered Midwife for over 9 years, I decided it was time for a fresh challenge....
I qualified as a Foot Health practitioner with the Smae Institute  in Maidenhead which was founded in 1919.

I provide both a Domiciliary & Care Home Service, covering Bedford and the surrounding towns & villages. 
As a member of the British Association of foot Health Professionals, I am qualified to identify, treat & advise you on common, often painful conditions that can affect feet.

If you'd like to book a home visit or need advice on how to maintain healthy feet don't hesitate to contact me.

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